Beauty of Food

This photo was taken on the Oratory Prep soccer field.


This was taken at my house.

Reflection Questions:

  1. For the first photo, I picked the bubble gum because Jack was very good at blowing bubbles with this gum. It allowed me to take a unique and it required that I took the picture at the perfect time so that the bubble would not pop. For the second photo, I picked a strawberry because my dog loves eating strawberries and the bright red color of the strawberry grabs the attentions of the photo as that is what the dog is looking at.
  2. As for the first photo, the primary lighting was the sun as I was outside when I took the photo. For the second photo, it was taken in my house with both artificial lighting and the sun coming from the window. In both of my photos, they were taken in the morning which allowed there to be natural sunlight involved in both of the photos.
  3. The composition technique used in the first photo is the rule of thirds. The bubble gum is place in the bottom third which captures the attention of the photo. The composition technique used is fill the frame. I edited the image and got close up so that the focus of the image would be primarily the dog’s expression and want for the strawberry.
  4. The color splash effect in both photos had a large impact on the photos. For the first picture, the color splash was used on the bubble gum. I did this because the color contrast between the bubble gum and the sky allowed for a unique photo. For the second photo, the color splash was used o the strawberry. This was because I wanted to light up the strawberry to show how badly my dog wanted to eat it as shown in his facial expression.
  5. Of the several different techniques that could have been used, I liked experimenting with the exposure. In the first photo, I zoomed in on the photo to get a close up and I lowered the saturation to 0 which allowed to leave the background in the photo black and white which highlighted the bubble gum. For the second photo, I zoomed in using my phone camera and also put the saturation to 0 so the strawberry would be the highlight of the photo.
  6. For next year’s students shooting food portraits, I would say that you want the food to be the main focus of the picture. For my photos, I made the foods very bright which highlighted them. This allowed the person looking at the picture to be captured by the bright food compared to the bland background.

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